Dictionary of Chemical Terms
![](images/chemicalterm.jpg) | Look up unfamiliar chemistry terms....
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Plasma Dictionary |
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The Plasma Dictionary is based on the Fusion & Plasma Glossary that was originally created on FusEdWeb, Fusion Energy Educational Website which has additional introductory information on plasma and fusion science . Click on the first letter of the word you would like to look up
Planet Dictionary |
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A planet (from the Greek planete means "wanderer" or
more forcefully "vagrant, tramp") is an object in orbit around a star
that is not a star in its own right. Much like "continent," "planet"
is a word without a precise definition, with history and culture playing
as much of a role as geology and astrophysics
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Computer Abbreviations Dictionary |
![](images/computerdict.jpg) | Searchable glossary of computer and Internet words, acronyms, and abbreviations.
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Dictionary of Chemical Terminology |
![](images/cheterm.jpg) | This is a "living glossary". This means that the glossary may grow every week as individuals submit new entries. This has been set up as a class resource for CEM-181H, the freshmen honors chemistry lecture at Michigan State University.
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Dictionary of Commonly Confused Words |
![](images/confuse.jpg) | The Wrong Word Dictionary : Most Commonly Confused Words · The Words Almost Everyone Confuses and Misuses .
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Dictionary of Geology |
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A science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks.
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